Hey there, fellow educators! If you’re looking for a website that’s all about making your life easier in the classroom, you’ve come to the right place. I’m Dr. Andrea Lowe, and I’ve been in education for a whopping 27 years. That’s right, I’ve been around so long that I remember when chalkboards were still a thing (hence the name Chalkboard Hacks).

On this site, you’ll find all sorts of blogs about the strategies and tips that you need to keep your students on track without losing your mind in the process. We’ve got hacks for everything from keeping your classroom organized (even when your students seem determined to make a mess) to managing behavior (even when it seems like they’re all on a sugar rush). And we promise to make you laugh along the way because, let’s face it – if we can’t find the humor in education, we might as well just pack up and go home.

So kick up your feet, pour yourself a cup of coffee (or wine – we don’t judge), and dive into the world of Chalkboard Hacks. Because if there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that teaching is hard, but it’s a lot more fun when we’re all in it together.
